Unity Institute of Paramedical Sciences Mangalore

Unity Academy of Education wes estazishes in 1982 as a part of academic support to the health care services. The nursing school was inaugurated by Mr. Miles Hardy, Director General Internacional Hospiral Federation (HF) Loncon in the presence of Dr P.N chei Secretary General of indian Hospital Association, Tocay Unity Academy of Education (A unit of Unity Health and Charitable Trust) is a modern, dynamic Institution, brimming with experience, inowledge and expertise. Our campus is home to bright students across the region and abroad. Following a massive Investment in the education infrastructure development in last year the campus is one of the most advanced in the region. The institute has an excellent track record of first less and rank holders in Karnataka state

At Unity we are different, we stand out and our students and graduates do too. It is something that we are immensely proud of and we strive year on year to keep that way. Our difference lies in the cutting edge technology our studenis have at their course time and exposure to the clinical facility which opens the world of patient care Our most advanced state-of-the art full fledged campus was opened in the year 2008 with all the physical facilities required by the statutory body. We are committed to personal development as well as academic excellence with dedicated staff. It lies in the eclectic mix of students form across the state of India and abroad united by their passion, drive and ambition to the career, malaing Unity an exciting place to study.

Unity Nursing Institute

Diploma in Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia Technology

Affiliated to – Paramedical Board, Bangalore.

Intake of Students: 20
Course Duration: Three years + 3 months
Lateral entry: 2 Years + 3 Months internship
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Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT)

Affiliated to – Paramedical Board, Bangalore.

Intake of Students: 20
Course Duration: Three years + 3 months
Lateral entry: 2 Years + 3 Months internship
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Diploma in Medical Imaging Technology (DMIT)

Affiliated to – Paramedical Board, Bangalore.

Intake of Students: 20
Course Duration: Three years + 3 months
Lateral entry: 2 Years + 3 Months internship
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Diploma in Dialysis Technology (DRDT)

Affiliated to – Paramedical Board, Bangalore.

Intake of Students: 20
Course Duration: Three years + 3 months
Lateral entry: 2 Years + 3 Months
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